Robertson Pod
Robertson Pod:
This project was designed for ConStructEd by Robertson Construction and is delivered over 5 days. The building that the participants are challenged to build is as a direct result of the findings from the Cole Report into wall failures across the Edinburgh Schools PFI contracts and the causes of the problems that were highlighted therein.
The participants create a 3 dimensional building from 2 dimensional drawings by taking on functional roles within their construction company to deliver a roofed building with precast floor elements. The front face of the building will have the entrance way formed with a twin wall formed with blocks and facing bricks. The roof requires to be constructed out of prefabricated joists fully lined prior to installing on the four walled building
Pre Site work:
- Health and Safety briefings
- Risk Assessments
- Method Statements
- Daily Activity Briefings
- Tool Box Talks
- Cost Control
- Estimating
- Quality Control
- Planning
This project involves:
- Site investigation work
- Setting out
- Levelling
- Gas protection
- Innovation
- Carbon Capture
- Precast Concrete units lifting and placing
- Fabrication
- Roof trusses
- Mortar manufacture
- Brick and block work
All our projects ensure that the participants further develop their transversal skills throughout the experiential learning activity in which they not only turn their theory into practice they enhance their own employability skills